Last Call for AACTE Volunteer Leaders
Time is running out to apply for service on one of AACTE’s standing committees or run for a seat on the Board of Directors! Submit your application (or nominate a colleague) for a 3-year term by Monday, May 9.
Board of Directors
As noted by current Board Chair Jane Bray (Old Dominion University, VA), now is an exciting time to lead AACTE. “Our profession is truly at a tipping point, and the Board of Directors at AACTE is at the forefront of our profession,” she said. The Board’s agenda includes deliberations on the Association’s overall direction, its role in the changing accreditation system, strategic leveraging of resources, and much more. The current roster can be found here.
A Few Things to Know About the Board
- To apply, you must be a designated Chief Representative or Institutional Representative with AACTE.
- You must not have served on the Board in the past 3 years.
- Candidates will be named to an election slate by October, and the election will run in November. Placement on the slate is not guaranteed! The open seats are limited.
- The term of service is March 2017 – February 2020.
- Meetings are generally twice a year: once at the Annual Meeting and once in early fall.
- Additional terms are spelled out in the online application.
Standing Committees
The Association has seven standing committees covering a range of topics. Find the one that matches your expertise and interest: Global Diversity, Government Relations and Advocacy, Innovation and Technology, Meetings and Professional Development, Membership Development and Capacity Building, Professional Preparation and Accountability, or Research and Dissemination. The current committee charges and rosters can be found here.
A Few Things to Know About the Committees
- To apply, you must be affiliated with an AACTE member institution, but you don’t need to be an official representative.
- You must not have served on the same committee in the past 3 years.
- You may serve on only one committee at a time, but you may apply for more than one committee (AACTE will decide where you’re needed most).
- Committee appointments will be determined by the Board of Directors at its fall meeting.
- Placement on a committee is not guaranteed—each committee needs about two new members per year—but as they say, “you have to play to win” so please apply if you’re interested!
- The term of service is March 2017 – February 2020.
- Meetings generally occur once a year (at the Annual Meeting) plus virtually, as needed, throughout the year.
- Additional terms are spelled out in the online application.
Need more information? See the online applications, or contact Aaron Goldstein at or (202) 478-4504.
Tags: AACTE governance, membership