New ESSA Resource Available, Negotiated Rule Making Announced

Last week, the U.S. Department of Education released a new document of frequently asked questions (PDF) on the transition to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) from the No Child Left Behind Act.

While this 17-page document does not answer every question, it provides key hyperlinks and covers a range of topics, from state flexibility to requirements under different sections of the law. The Department will continue to update the document in the coming months.

In addition, the Department has released more information on the upcoming negotiated rule making on two portions of Title I, Part A of ESSA—specifically drafting regulations around assessments and the “supplement not supplant” language (Title I funds are to supplement rather than supplant state and local funds). Full resources on the negotiated rule making, including the list of negotiators and alternates, can be found on the Department’s ESSA Resource Page.

I will be certain to share new resources and information as the Department releases items.


Deborah Koolbeck

Senior Director of Government Relations, AACTE