Department of Education Webinar Slides Available on ESSA
On December 21 and 22, the U.S. Department of Education held webinars on the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the law that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Click here to access slides from the webinars, which included some timelines and initial information about the transition from the framework of the No Child Left Behind Act to the new framework of ESSA.
I recommend that you review the Department’s slides to support and enhance your program’s partnerships by giving you a sense of what your state education leaders and PK-12 partners will be experiencing over the coming months and year(s). In particular, consider the implications of ending the waivers (referred to in the webinar as ESEA flexibility or ESEA waivers) as of August 1 of this year.
The Department also shares its resources and pending actions in the webinar, including its request for advice and recommendations on implementing Title I (see my recent blog on this request).
For other federal updates and action you can take relative to ESSA implementation, see my recorded webinar and related resources from December.
Tags: federal issues, school-university partnerships