Take What You Need With AACTE Online Seminars
Did you know that AACTE’s six Online Professional Seminars (OPSs) can be taken in any order? In fact, the seminars have no prerequisites, meaning you can skip what you already know and jump right in to the professional learning you need most.
Or are you looking for a well-rounded understanding of assessment and accreditation issues for educator development, program improvement, and quality assurance systems? Then start from the beginning and run through the complete sequence of courses.
Offered through AACTE’s Quality Support Initiative, the seminars are scheduled to be not only flexible but also convenient. Each course is completed asynchronously over a 3- to 4-week period, and multiple session options let you work around your schedule. We’ll be starting several course sections this month, including some that run over the holidays, if that suits your needs—see the current schedule of available dates.
Remember, the two introductory-level seminars are free. These popular courses, OPS #1: Building Quality Assessments and OPS #2: Using Data for Improvement, already have introduced hundreds of educators to the foundational principles of assessment and strategic data use. The more in-depth courses, which cost just $50 for AACTE members and $125 for nonmembers, prepare participants for broader program improvement and accreditation needs. (Save by registering a group of six or more together!)
Every seminar provides a facilitated learning community with the same basic features:
- Asynchronous learning at your own pace over 3-4 weeks
- Online exchange of ideas and materials with colleagues
- Discussions and critical thinking about accreditation and assessment
- Interactive learning objects and self-assessments
Where would you like to start? Check out the full course descriptions to see which OPS is right for you this month!
Tags: AACTE online resources, accreditation, assessment, data, program evaluation