Building Partnerships for a Better Principal Pipeline
In his book Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Peter Drucker advised, “Don’t try to innovate for the future. Innovate for the present.” How helpful this wisdom is for everyone in the education field, whether PK-12 or higher education! For our students and our society, the future is now. Participants in the Wallace Foundation’s Principal Pipeline Initiative have taken that advice to heart as they have worked on practical, deployable strategies to improve how principals are recruited, prepared, and supported in urban schools, right now. The six districts and multiple higher education partners already are seeing improvement in student learning as a result of their work over the past few years.
On Thursday, October 15, the second webinar in AACTE’s free series on the Principal Pipeline Initiative will explore “Building the Partnerships” to bridge the differences among institutions and programs in the pursuit of their common goals. Like the first webinar, which discussed “Laying the Foundation,” this event will feature a panel of school and university leaders who’ve participated in the initiative. Panelists will discuss inputs needed, agreements and protocols, and the impact and outcomes of building new and stronger partnerships among the key groups.
The following panelists will join this webinar:
- William Bassell, Principal, Academy of American Studies, New York City Public Schools
- Donna Cooner, Professor and Director, School of Teacher Education and Principal Preparation, Colorado State University
- Shannon Hagerman, Director of Teacher and Principal Preparation, Denver Public Schools (CO)
- Susan Korach, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, and Program Coordinator, Educational Leadership Programs, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver (CO)
Join us October 15 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time to examine the power of engaged partnerships for effective principal preparation. Registration is required but free; learn more here.
Angela Maynard Sewall is emeritus dean of the College of Education and emeritus professor of educational leadership at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She currently serves as a consultant with AACTE.
Tags: AACTE partner organizations, events, principal preparation, school-university partnerships, urban education