Participants Needed for TPACK Diagnostic Tool Case Study
AACTE’s Committee on Innovation and Technology seeks participants to pilot a recently developed formative diagnostic tool designed for self-reflection and guidance for educational leaders as they develop technology-rich models for teacher candidates to successfully become 21st-century educators. The diagnostic tool serves as an opportunity to examine current practices and help develop realistic goals for program development. Participation in this study will consist of a telephone interview that should take no more than one hour.
The tool utilizes the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to further the development of TPACK-proficient teacher candidates. Leaders can use the diagnostic tool as a means to gather assessment and curriculum development data and to make decisions as to where to further emphasize selected steps in the process. By engaging in self-assessment throughout the change process, deans, chairs, or department heads can record progress, determine necessary recalibrations, and keep their vision in mind as they continue their evolution towards the goal of preparing TPACK-ready teacher candidates.
The purpose of the case study is to examine how the diagnostic tool assists educational leaders with a TPACK-based initiative, to examine the educational leaders’ perceptions of the use of the diagnostic tool, and to describe future plans for the tool at respective institutions. We are asking educational leaders such as deans, chairs, and department heads to participate in this case study by using the formative self-assessment tool for collecting data on the status or progress of initiatives that embrace technology as a core component of teaching and learning.
If you have a TPACK project or initiative under way and would like to participate in the study, please complete this brief application.
For more information, contact me at
Kevin Graziano, professor in the School of Education at Nevada State College, chairs AACTE’s Committee on Innovation and Technology.
Tags: AACTE governance, technology