Take Action With AACTE’s TAGs

Did you know that AACTE has 14 topical action groups (TAGs) established to date? TAGs are member-initiated working groups that are supported by AACTE. Anyone from a member institution can join existing TAGs, or start their own TAG, at any time.

TAGs address topics as diverse as accreditation, diverse workforce development, research in teacher preparation, and women in the deanship, among others. (For a complete list of TAGs, visit our web site).

Conceived as action-oriented special-interest groups, TAGs provide a forum for individuals drawn together by a common interest or purpose within the field of educator preparation. AACTE provides TAGs with operational funds, publicity, online meeting and administrative space, staff support, meeting space at the AACTE Annual Meeting, and the prestige of AACTE affiliation.

“The value of TAGs to AACTE members is the opportunity for tangible member engagement with financial and administrative support,” says Imani Akin (University of Phoenix), chair of the High-Quality Online Teaching and Learning TAG.

Akin says that TAG is currently focused on “collecting and sharing best practices in the field of online teaching and learning, an area we feel is of particular importance for educators right now as research informs that the demand for online learning continues to rise and that ‘teacher presence’ is key to student success in this environment.”

Akin adds, “This year our TAG plan includes addressing three indicators of ‘teacher presence’ that include delivery of feedback, teacher disposition (climate and tone), and student learning.”

What special topics interest you? Engage with an AACTE TAG! To get started, visit our web site or contact me with any questions.

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Kim Murray

TAG Administrator, AACTE