PEDS Survey Changes for 2014

PEDS logoThe 2014 AACTE Professional Education Data System (PEDS) data collection will open February 3 and close at the end of April. The 2014 survey incorporates recommendations made by an ad-hoc task force convened by AACTE in 2013 to help identify changes needed and to improve the quality and usefulness of the data.

The following changes have been made throughout all forms in Parts A and B:

  • Changed wording to align with terms used by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) or other current usage, or to better define items.
  • Added new pop-ups and glossary items with refined or added definitions.
  • Added Other as an option in multiple-choice items as needed.

Other changes to Part A include the following:

  • Total Student Licenses Headcount: This item now asks for a total for each preparation level, matching item A6.
  • Institutional Type: Added choices Online institutions and Other.
  • Regional Accreditation/Affiliation: Updated names of regional accreditors, and added new accreditors.
  • Organizations: Added CAEP, but will keep NCATE and TEAC as well until their merger is complete.
  • Deleted Item A17–Graduates’ Geographical Setting.

In Part B, a new section asks for the total number of new education candidates admitted in the academic year by degree level. In addition, the following changes have been made to subcategories in Part B:

Degrees and Completers

  • Added new CIP codes/program categories, including four categories for middle grades.
  • Added “Part 2” boxes to report dual endorsements or concentrations in all B3 and B4 sections.


  • Added part-time and adjuncts to the teaching load section.


  • Added item on the types of technology/tools candidates must demonstrate in order to complete the preparation program.
  • Added item on the types of professional development made available to faculty on use of technology and online learning.
  • Changed reporting for “online programs” from percentages to total numbers, refined definitions, and split “online” and “hybrid” programs.
  • Deleted existing items B7_1, B7_3, and B7_7.


  • Added “Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators” as option under “admission requirements.”
  • Added item on the number of candidates who withdrew from or were counseled out of teacher preparation programs during the previous academic year, and the reasons and process for counseling them out.

Clinical Experiences

  • Added item to report residency programs separately from student teaching.
  • Added chart to report number of clinical faculty supervising clinical experiences in 2012-2013.
  • Added items on selection criteria for school-based and university-based personnel supervising candidates.

Impact Data

  • Added item on the type of placements for those graduates for whom the program has placement information.
  • Changed item on employment rates to ask for number, instead of percentage, of completers employed in state schools the 1st and 2nd year after graduation.
  • Added item asking if the program has information on graduates not employed in their state’s public schools in the first 2 years after graduation.
  • Combined items B10_6, B10_7, and B10_8 in one table, with separate sections to report use of data by the institution and the state.
  • Added item on the number of graduates for whom the institution received evaluation data from the state.
  • Added table on the number of candidates graduating or completing programs within 1, 2, 3, or 4 years after enrollment. Items will be reported separately for bachelor’s, master’s, and postbaccalaureate programs, and by enrollment year.
  • Deleted question on the number of initial teacher certification undergraduates who graduated within the expected timeframe.

Please contact Yupin Bae at with any questions about the PEDS collection.

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Alicia Ardila-Rey

Director of Research and Dissemination, AACTE

Yupin Bae