November 12 Webinar: Developing the Dispositions of Preservice Teachers for a Culture of Continuous Professional Learning
On Tuesday, November 12, AACTE and the Kentucky Association of Colleges for Teacher Education present “Developing the Dispositions of Preservice Teachers for a Culture of Continuous Professional Learning,” from 3:00 to 4:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
This is the second webinar in a two-part series sponsored by a grant from Learning Forward, making registration free for AACTE members. The series addresses how educator preparation programs can develop professional learning-ready teachers and school leaders.
Kentucky educator preparation programs have teamed up with state, regional, and K-12 district leaders to create a more coherent, comprehensive, and sustainable professional learning system that supports all educators and students in meeting the promise of the Common Core State Standards.
Several panelists will participate in the webinar:
- Rosetta F. Sandidge, Associate Dean for Accreditation, Assessment, and Planning, University of Kentucky College of Education
- John DeAtley, Director, P-20 Initiatives and College Readiness, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
- David Johnson, Executive Director, Southeast-South Central Education Cooperative
- Bryant Gillis, Principal, Tichenor Middle School (KY)
To register for this webinar, click here.
Tags: AACTE partner organizations, events, pedagogy, state affiliate, state policy