Author Archive

Kristen Cuthrell

East Carolina University

Call for Chapters – Co-Teaching in Teacher Education: Centering Equity

Schools are a microcosm, reproducing the inequities seen in American society. As educator preparation faculty in this context, it is imperative to put equity at the forefront of programming and mission. In this volume, we position co-teaching as an innovation that can mitigate inequities in classrooms. Co-teaching is typically associated with special education or inclusion classrooms; however, more recently it is being used in general education classrooms at BK-12 level and in educator preparation.

Join Virtual Meeting April 25 on Coteaching in Clinical Practice

The authors are leaders of the AACTE Coteaching in Clinical Practice Topical Action Group (TAG). For information about how to join or start a TAG, visit


On April 25, AACTE members are invited to join a virtual meeting of the Coteaching in Clinical Practice TAG, in which we plan to discuss collaborative grant-writing projects. This is a great opportunity to see what the TAG is all about and see if you’d like to join us!

The meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, April 25, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT. You can enter the meeting any time after 10:45 a.m. EDT through the following channels: