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Learn How Tomorrow’s Teachers (Including Your Students) Want to Use Technology

AACTE is collaborating with Project Tomorrow to support that organization’s survey of preservice teachers, “Tomorrow’s Teachers Speak Up.” The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the views of AACTE.

Tomorrow’s Teachers Speak Up is a unique opportunity for America’s next generation of teachers to share their ideas about how to leverage technology within learning, how they are being trained, and what they expect when they enter the classroom. The national data findings will be used to inform national policies on technology use in education, and to inform K-12 school and district leaders on the aspirations of tomorrow’s teachers.

Colleges, universities, and programs that register and promote the surveys to their students will receive the national data findings as well as their own institution’s results in June – for free.

To learn more about the project and how your programs can use the free tool, please join me for a 30-minute webinar on Thursday, April 6, at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Register for the webinar here.

Project Tomorrow last conducted this survey of preservice teachers in 2013 and found:

  • In spite of their comfort with using technology tools, aspiring teachers say that their field experiences as student teachers and observing their professors are the best way for them to learn about how to integrate technology within instruction.
  • The specific technology tools and techniques that aspiring teachers are learning to use in their methods courses do not match the expectations of school principals.
  • Thinking about their future teaching assignment, aspiring teachers consider access to technology tools and resources to support instructional plans as one of the top five factors that will determine their future success as a teacher.

What will 2017’s preservice teachers have to say? Will their expectations and preparations match with what principals told Project Tomorrow? In 2015, principals told us they expect new teachers to:

  • Know how to use technology to differentiate instruction (76%)
  • Communicate with parents and students (66%)
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate online assessments (61%)
  • Manage a classroom where every student has a mobile device (53%)

(Note that 2016 principal data will be released soon and will be previewed during the webinar!)

The surveys and data reports are free and 100% confidential. Project Tomorrow will share national findings with the public and policy makers; institutional reports will be shared only with the registered administrative contact.

Conducted by Project Tomorrow, this project is a companion to the annual K-12 Speak Up surveys in use by schools and districts across the country. The Tomorrow’s Teachers Speak Up survey is open for student participation until May 1, 2017.

To join the effort, please register your school’s contact to get started participating in Tomorrow’s Teachers Speak Up, or register for my webinar April 6 to learn more.

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Julie Evans

CEO, Project Tomorrow