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NCTQ Seeks to Identify ‘Great Districts for Great Teachers’

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) is reaching out to select large school districts throughout the country as it prepares to launch a new initiative, Great Districts for Great Teachers. This new initiative seeks to recognize between 10 and 20 districts for having strong practices on five indicators developed by NCTQ:

  • Rational compensation structure
  • Professional support
  • Effective management operations
  • Career pathways and leadership opportunities
  • Adequate support services for students

NCTQ is currently in phase two of its selection process and has extended data requests to 50-60 districts to inform the process. NCTQ is planning to announce the winners of Great Districts in winter 2016-17. The project builds on several individual reports on large school districts throughout the country that NCTQ has released over the past few years.

Although this new initiative may not focus on teacher preparation, AACTE members might be interested to discuss the effort with partner districts and determine whether they are working with NCTQ.

As always, AACTE will continue to monitor NCTQ initiatives and provide updates to members. If you have information or concerns (about this or another NCTQ topic) that you would like to share, please contact me at zvanhouten@aacte.org.


Zachary VanHouten

Manager of Programs and Advocacy, AACTE