Learn to Build Quality Assessments in a Free Online Seminar

What constitutes “quality” in assessment? Educators have to know how to design assessments and scoring rubrics that are appropriate to their students’ specific situations as well as fair, valid, and reliable.

AACTE’s Online Professional Seminar (OPS) #1: Building Quality Assessments addresses this question in a 3- to 4-week introductory course that is free and open to all educators. By connecting simultaneously with experts and their peers in the field, OPS participants get the chance to compare their experiences, learn from each other, and discover best practices for assessment design.

Modules within the OPS focus on different aspects of assessments. Participants study the instrument development process and how that translates into local, custom-fit instruments. They also discuss rubrics and surveys: how to create them and best practices for using them. Finally, participants learn about the impact of technology on measurements and how to align and integrate assessments successfully into their programs.

The next session of OPS #1: Building Quality Assessments starts October 19. In addition to OPS #1, AACTE offers several other online seminars through its Quality Support Initiative, with sessions starting every few weeks for both the introductory and the in-depth courses. Find the current schedule and register here.

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Hannah Maes

AACTE Marketing Coordinator Intern